Our musicians have been speaking about some of the most significant moments they have experienced whilst sharing Joy Through Live Music with Music in Hospitals & Care.
Elkie Jeffery has been working with us in South England since 2017.
“I was delivering a Lullaby Hour session in the High Dependency Unit at St Mary’s Hospital in London, when I met a mother and her very premature baby. He was only a few days old and was very unwell. We talked about music and how important it is to her and her husband who is a DJ – she told me how they would always sing and play music to the baby before he was born so she was delighted that he was about to experience his first live concert! As I started singing a few of the nurses came over to listen as well. As I began to play the second lullaby the little baby started moving. I looked up and the Mum and all the staff were crying; apparently it was the first time he had really moved or shown positive cues at all. It was a truly awesome moment and I found it very hard not to cry myself. Even remembering the story brings tears to my eyes – I will never forget it!”
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