A Marathon effort in London from our fantastic runners

2nd May 2024

All five of our runners completed the 2024 London Marathon. Each of them had different reasons for taking part and fundraising for Music in Hospitals & Care.

We are hugely grateful to them all for raising over £10,000 to share joy through live music with more people in hospitals and care settings across the UK.

If you are inspired and would like to find your own challenge, from 5K to a marathon, we have places for lots of different events across the UK and overseas to explore.  If you have your own place and want to support our work we would love to support you – just get in touch!

"Running the London Marathon was an amazing experience! The support was incredible and there was such a variety of live music along the route, with singers, a jazz orchestra, a wind band (great to see some fellow oboists!), a pipe band, a brass quintet, military bugles, samba bands, a lone piper and many more. All reminding me of what I was running for: to enable brilliant musicians to harness the power of live music to inspire and heal."

"Being given the opportunity to run the London Marathon for Music in Hospitals & Care was an absolute dream come true. Music has always been a big part of my life and I was really proud to be able to support bringing live music to improve well-being and assist healing. Participating in it was an amazing experience and the support from the music ensembles was important reminder of just how important live music is and the impact it can have."

"The London Marathon was an unforgettable experience! I chose to run for Music in Hospitals & Care because I see the impact of this important work every day in my job as a paediatric oncology nurse back home, and in my own life as a choral singer. Music is so healing for my patients and families and we rely heavily on it in many aspects of our work day, whether it's used to calm a child down prior to a procedure, or used as their parade song when they leave us after finishing their chemotherapy course.

For me personally, singing has been a lifelong healing practice and has been a source of joy and solace. Running for an organisation with core values that resonate with my own is so important to me and I'm glad to have gotten to support Music in Hospitals & Care while running my last world marathon major in London!"

"Music in Hospitals & Care is a cause close to our family's heart as they gave my mum comfort and a distraction while she was in hospital.

I remember when I went to visit her, it was nice to know that there were people coming to visit so it didn't feel like such a lonely experience. Both my mum and the cause were on my mind as I ran the marathon, and it was an incredible experience to both remember her and to give something back."

"Back in the summer of 2020, our little boy Christian became seriously ill and was admitted to hospital where he spent many days waiting for treatment and learning what might happen next. This, as parents, was such a difficult time as Christian was only 8 months old. During our time in hospital, there was an occasion when some musicians came to the ward. Suddenly the atmosphere lifted for patients, their families and staff. The music and energy changed and Christian went from being lethargic and dazed to appearing more alert, focused and smiling.

The musicians brought our boy round, even though we were in an isolated room and still in medical limbo. We later found out that a charity had organised the musicians. So, a couple of years later, I decided to contact Music in Hospitals and Care in the hope that I could help them keep doing the work that they do.

On the day of the marathon I was so nervous, but wearing my Music in Hospitals & Care t-shirt filled me with confidence. As we got going I settled in to my pace however by the half way mark my knee became incredibly painful. After a stop of at the St John Ambulance and some physio, I decided to walk the rest of the way. I am still not sure of the time but I completed the course and received my medal. Most importantly I raised money and awareness for my chosen charity, Music in Hospitals & Care. Thank you for the incredibly opportunity to support you and be involved in this life changing experience!"

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