
  • Our annual report focuses on our live music – its impact, the places and people who experience it and everyone who helped make it possible.

  • This year we launched our Pilot Project funded by the Peter Sowerby Foundation - Music for Mental Health and Wellbeing.

  • Meet our team of Live Music Coordinators who work across the UK to share the healing power of live music with people who wouldn't otherwise get to experience it.

  • This Arts in Care Homes Day are pleased to bring you this fun guide to make your own percussion instrument, which we have produced with help from the NAPA (National Activity Providers Association) advisory group.

  • Today, Music in Hospitals & Care has launched their three-year strategy. This strategy will help realise our long-term ambition – to make sure people in hospitals and care enjoy a better quality of life and improved health outcomes.

  • Colin Bryce

    • 24th July 2023

    Our musician, Colin Bryce reflects on his experiences while we elebrate 75 years of creating live music and human connection.

Make a donation

Please give today to help improve the health and wellbeing of children and adults through the healing power of live music.
