Meet our new Creative Engagement and Development Manager and Live Music Programme Manager.
The Co-op are giving away over £500,000 worth of prizes this year, and you could win a slice of it and help Music in Hospitals & Care too!
We are excited to share the final total for our Big Give appeal.
We are excited to be working in partnership with Swansea Bay University Health Board to deliver the new 'Musical Hospitals' project.
Last year we embarked on a three year project with two health and social care trusts in Northern Ireland to explore regular programmes of live music and the benefits this can have for patients and staff.
Following the success of our live music for hearing impaired babies and toddlers in Manchester, a group for pre-school children in Stalybridge have had visits from our musicians every half term.
Please give today to help improve the health and wellbeing of children and adults through the healing power of live music.