
  • Richard Robling, has been working with us in Wales since 2015. Richard is popular in hospital wards and care homes alike with his upbeat covers of classic tunes spanning the decades.

  • Our musicians have been speaking about some of the most significant moments they have experienced whilst sharing Joy Through Live Music with Music in Hospitals & Care. Classical pianist Constance Chow has been working with us in South England since 2018.

  • Our musicians have been speaking about some of the most significant moments they have experienced whilst sharing Joy Through Live Music with Music in Hospitals & Care. Cor anglais & oboist Bethan Roberts has been working with us in North England since 2005.

  • Our musicians speak about some of the most significant moments they have experienced whilst sharing Joy Through Live Music with Music in Hospitals & Care. Classical violinist Orpheus Leander has been working with us in South England since 2014.

  • Our musicians speak about some of the most significant moments they have experienced whilst sharing Joy Through Live Music with Music in Hospitals & Care. Singer and guitarist/ukulelist Geoff Hatt has been working with us in Northern Ireland since 2016.

  • Our musicians speak about some of the most significant moments they have experienced whilst sharing Joy Through Live Music with Music in Hospitals & Care. Singer and ukulelist Rob T has been working with us in South England since 2016.

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Please give today to help improve the health and wellbeing of children and adults through the healing power of live music.
